Decommissioning or Updating the Deployment Account Credentials
To prevent system downtime, please work with your Sensei Engagement Lead before either disabling the Deployment Account or changing the password for the Deployment Account.
Sensei IQ is designed to function without Sensei needing to maintain interactive access to the environment. This is an important point for those clients who have regulatory requirements with regard to 3rd party data access.
During deployment the Sensei consultant will utilize the Deployment Account to setup and customize the system. This may lead to the Deployment Account becoming the owner of certain key pieces of the infrastructure:
- Microsoft Power BI Report Dataset Scheduled Refresh
- Microsoft Power Automate Cloud Flow Data Connections
- Microsoft Power Apps Dataflows (Optional Project/Task Synchronization from External Execution Tools)
While Sensei recommends keeping this account active to allow our consultants to use these credentials to provide ongoing assistance with enhancements and customizations to the client system or provide troubleshooting support, some clients will prefer to either:
- Decommission this account post deployment.
- Change the password to this account, while still keeping it active so as to keep running the services above under these credentials.
In both cases, to provide the best possible service and ongoing support to our clients, we advise our clients to provide their Sensei Engagement Lead with their own set of credentials to the Power Apps environment to which Sensei IQ has been deployed (and potentially other services depending on the requirements).
Before completing either of the above options, please review the above items to ensure that the ownership is transitioned to another identity (ideally an accountable user, who can view and respond to any failures in the Microsoft services).
To update the credentials used for Microsoft Power BI scheduled refresh
- Log into Power BI using the account that you would like to use to "take over" the scheduled refresh service. Note - this account must be a workspace administrator.
- For each of the Sensei IQ Report Datasets, access the "Scheduled Refresh" page, and click "Take Over" near the top of the page.
- Confirm that you are taking over the dataset settings by clicking "Take Over" again on the dialog that appears.
- Under the setting for "Data source credentials" click "Edit credentials" to update the credentials used for the dataset. Note - the new credentials must have READ access to the Dataverse tables for the Sensei IQ environment.
- Lastly on the "Configure DatasetName" dialog, set the Authentication Method to "OAuth" and Privacy level to "Organizational" and then click "Sign in" and sign in using the standard Microsoft Authentication dialog.
To update the credentials used for Microsoft Power Automate Cloud Flow Data Connections
- Sign into the Power Apps Maker Portal using the account that you would like to "take over" the data connections.
- On the quick launch menu, click "Solutions".
- Click the display name for the solution "Atsumeru".
- Using the Content filter in the upper right of the page, select "Cloud flow".
- Click the display for the Cloud Flow "Proposal Approval Atsumeru".
- Once the Cloud flow opens in Power Automate, in the "Connection References" box, click "Edit".
- Remove each of the Connection References by clicking the "x" next to each. Go back to the Cloud flow details page.
- Click "Edit" to edit the Cloud Flow.
- On the "Connections page" that is presented, click the "+" symbol next to each connection to update the credentials used for each. Click "Save". Note - the new credentials used will require a license for each of the services associated to the connection reference (example - Microsoft 365 Outlook requires an Exchange license, included with E1, E3, E5 licenses).
- Test the Flow.
To update the credentials used for Microsoft Power Apps Dataflows
Note - updating credentials here may only be necessary if the password or credentials are updated for the account that has been used to connect to (query for) the external data being pulled into the Sensei IQ Dataverse.
- Sign into the Power Apps Maker Portal using the account that you would like to "take over" the dataflows.
- On the quick launch menu, under "Data" click "Dataflows".
- Select "All Dataflows" and search for the owner of the dataflows to be replaced (in our example, we are taking over the dataflows owned by Tina Hamilton).
- Click "Change Owner" for each dataflow that requires editing of the data connection credentials.
- Enter the new user in the "New owner" input box, then click "Change Owner" at the bottom of the pane.
- Once the owner has been changed for the dataflows required, assuming you are logged in as the new owner user, click "My Dataflows".
- For each dataflow that has had it's owner changed that requires the credentials to be updated, click the ellipsis, then click "Edit".
- Once the Power Query editor dialog opens, it will be likely that the connection will need to be configured. Click "Configure connection".
- On the "Enter credentials" dialog, first ensure that "Privacy Level" is set to "Organizational", then set the "Authentication Kind" to "Organizational Account" and click "Sign In" then sign in using the standard Microsoft Authentication dialog. Note - you will not be able to use a browser that is in "InPrivate" or "Incognito" mode for this step. Once Authenticated, click "Connect".
- On the "Edit queries" step in the Power Query editor, if no modifications to the query are desired, click "Next" at the bottom right of the dialog.
- On the "Map tables" step in the Power Query editor, confirm mappings and click "Next".
- On the "Refresh settings" step in the Power Query editor, update refresh settings if desired (Sensei recommends automatic refresh every 1 days) and finalize by clicking "Create".
- Test the changes by ensuring that the dataflow refreshes without error (manual refreshes can be initiated at any time by clicking the ellipsis and clicking "Refresh").