Reporting Versions
Sensei IQ is deployed with a set of Power BI Reports. These reports are often customized to match the individual customer needs and preferences so while they are not updated over time, improvement continues on the Sensei IQ reports. Use the following reference to ascertain the version of the reports that were deployed with your installation and evaluate if replacing your reports with a new out-of-the-box version would be beneficial.
Report Template | Current Version |
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2024.10.07 |
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2023.08.01 |
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2024.10.07 |
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2024.04.04 |
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2024.07.01 |
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2024.04.20 |
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2024.03.01 |
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2023.11.16 |
Portfolio IQ (#1260):
- Resolved issue regarding incorrect fiscal year definition for some clients on Portfolio Overview and Program Overview pages.
Portfolio IQ - Innovation:
Resolved issue where initial load did not succeed by adding staging table for Challenges.
Resource IQ (#1107, #1194):
- Added Resource Details > Calendar View to show Enterprise and Personal Calendar Exceptions
Added "Initiative Status" filter to Filters pane for Resource IQ Insights on relevant pages
Portfolio IQ (#1188):
Changed title and label for first report page from "Intake" to "Initiative"
Strategy IQ (#1060) requires IQ update v2024.04.20.2:
- Revised "Overview" page to show more detail around Strategy Alignment (Projects associated with Goals)
- Ensure many-to-many relationship of Project to Goals
- Added Current Project Status query to allow for Project KPI reporting
Project IQ (#979, #1021, #1062, #1079) requires IQ update v2024.04.20.2:
- Filtered out native tasks
- Removed IQ Icon
- Added "Dependencies" Page to show key dates and their dependencies
Resource IQ (#979, #1021, #1036, #1039):
- Filtered out native tasks
- Removed IQ Icon
- Resolved bug in Assignment Timephased Data
Work IQ (#958, #979, #1021):
- Added "My Allocations" page
- Filtered out native tasks
- Removed IQ Icon
Portfolio IQ (#979, #1021):
- Filtered out native tasks
- Removed IQ Icon
Project IQ (#961):
- Ajusted viualization borders to prevent overlap on Project Status drill-through page
- Set default report-level filter to exclude Business Cases
- Enabled "Select All" on the 'Project' slicer for Key Dates
Project Summary Report (#891):
- Added Project Type parameter and defaulted to not select Business Cases
- Made several formatting changes to improve Web Layout rendering
- Added version number to logo tooltip
- Improved Page Break and Margin settings
All Power BI Reports (Portfolio IQ - Innovation, Portfolio IQ - Intake, Portfolio IQ, Project IQ, Resource IQ, Strategy IQ, Work IQ) (#785, #786, #788, #787, #793, #812, #826):
- Converted the data connector used to the more modern "Dataverse" connector and removed legacy connector "Common Data Service".
- For Project IQ Insights, Added Key Date Category to visualizations on the "Key Dates" page.
Portfolio IQ - Intake (#648, #744):
- Added functionality to support Business Case Scoring and Prioritization, as well as modifications to the Resource Forecast page to allow for "What-if" analysis on the Business Case Demand. This introduces two new parameters in the report. "budget_limit" is the maximum budget amount that would need to be used for a prioritization. We recommend $25M as a default. "budget_step" is the increment of budget you'd like to analyze from $0 to the budget_limit. We recommend $100K as a default.
Resource IQ:
- Fixed issue with first time data load due to parallel loading.
Project Summary Report (#712):
- Updated task query to filter out summary tasks and milestones.
- Updated task query logic for Not Started and Late tasks.
- Increased column width to accommodate showing 20+ resources requests.
Resource IQ:
- Fixed minor issue affecting Timesheet with Rate reporting due to date collisions.
Portfolio IQ:
- Introduction of Business Cases into the Intake Funnel.
Portfolio IQ - Intake:
- Addition of Business Case pages and Project Type filtering on all other pages.
Project Summary Report:
- Initial Release.
Project IQ:
- Added 'Program' filter to filters pane so that users can filter their list of projects by program name.
Resource IQ:
- Added 'Line Manager' filter to filters pane so that users can filter resource data by a specific line manager or line managers.
Project IQ:
- Added 'Project Type' filter to filters pane and set default to exclude "Business Case" type projects.
Portfolio IQ:
- Added 'Project Type' filter to filters pane and set default to exclude "Business Case" type projects.
Resource IQ:
- Added 'Project Type' filter to filters pane for easy filtering of Resource Demand data that meets a specific project type filter criteria.
- Added 'Target Capacity' line to Availability graphs on the 'Availability' and 'Resource Details' pages. 'Target Capacity' = 'Resource Capacity (by day)' x 'Target Utilization'.
- Added new view for 'Actuals Variance' to allow to view the Variances between Committed Resource Requests and Approved Timesheet Actuals.
Portfolio IQ:
- Resolved issue where cancelled projects were still included in Portfolio progress calculations.
Resource IQ:
- Resolved issue where some buttons on the "Timesheet Actuals" drill through pages were unclickable.
Project IQ:
- #11581 Addition of 'Last Refreshed' Date/Time stamp for reports. Can be viewed on the tooltip for the "refresh" icon on each report page.
- #11537 Addition of Project "Status" column on the "All Projects" page and filter pane.
- Links from Icons in upper left to each table.
- Addition of "Project Type" filter to filters pane.
- Improvements to Risks Matrix.
Portfolio IQ:
- #11581 Addition of 'Last Refreshed' Date/Time stamp for reports. Can be viewed on the tooltip for the "refresh" icon on each report page.
- Links from Icons in upper left to each table.
- #11696 Show projects related to a program underneath the Program grouping on the Program Timelines page.
- #11671 Change progress calculation to be based on duration rollups for Program and Portfolio.
Work IQ:
- #11581 Addition of 'Last Refreshed' Date/Time stamp for reports. Can be viewed on the tooltip for the "refresh" icon on each report page.
- #11537 Addition of Project "Status" column on filters pane.
- Links from Icons in upper left to each table.
- Addition of "Project Type" filter to filters pane.
- Improvements to Risks Matrix.
Resource IQ:
- #11581 Addition of 'Last Refreshed' Date/Time stamp for reports. Can be viewed on the tooltip for the "refresh" icon on each report page.
- Modification of Timesheet Actual drill through pages to include the menu to drill to other related pages from a drill through page.
- Links from Icons in upper left to each related table.
- Fixed issue where IQ deployments with no timesheet or rate data would prevent data load.
- Short date formatting for month names to allow for more columns to be shown in timephased visualizations without abbreviating the month name.
Portfolio IQ - Innovation:
- #11581 Addition of 'Last Refreshed' Date/Time stamp for reports. Can be viewed on the tooltip for the "refresh" icon on each report page.
- Addition of "Status" columns for Challenge and Idea added to pages and filters pane.
- Links from Icons in upper left to each table (Challenge and Idea).
Portfolio IQ - Intake:
- #11581 Addition of 'Last Refreshed' Date/Time stamp for reports. Can be viewed on the tooltip for the "refresh" icon on each report page.
- Short date formatting for month names to allow for more columns to be shown in timephased visualizations without abbreviating the month name.
- Links from Icons in upper left to each relevant location in Sensei IQ.
Strategy IQ:
- #11581 Addition of 'Last Refreshed' Date/Time stamp for reports. Can be viewed on the tooltip for the "refresh" icon on each report page.
- Links from Icons in upper left to each table (Themes and Benefits).
Portfolio IQ: Project IQ:
- Addition of 'Fiscal Period' toggle to switch certain financial visualizations to a "Fiscal Period" oriented view.
Portfolio IQ - Innovation: Portfolio IQ - Intake: Portfolio IQ: Project IQ: Resource IQ: Work IQ:
- Cosmetic updates to report files to ensure bookmarks behaved as desired and labels on view selectors and slicers are consistent.
Resource IQ:
- Updated template to cater for client scenarios where timesheets and cost/sell rates are not used.
Resource IQ:
- #9400 - Final update to Timesheet Acutals to include variable cost/sell rates from Bookable Resource. Includes updates to drill through pages for Cost, Sell and Margin.
- #10048 - Add "back" button to Timesheet Actuals drill through pages for usability.
- #10081 - changed process table for proposals so that proposal stages will appear on filters pane under "Current Stage" filter.
Resource IQ:
- #9682 - Primary update to Timesheet Acutals to include variable cost/sell rates from Bookable Resource. Second update will include additional drill-through pages for Cost, Sell and Margin.
Resource IQ:
- #9400 - Change to exclude Non Working time from the matrix on the "Timesheet Actuals" page and minor updates to default filtering on "Timesheet Actual Cost, Sell and Margin" pages.
Resource IQ:
- #9400 - Updates including new pages for "Timesheet Actuals", "Timesheet Actual Work" (drill-through page), "Timesheet Actual Cost" (drill-through page), "Timesheet Actual Sell" (drill-through page), "Timesheet Actual Margin" (drill-through page). Also includes change to "Non Project Work" page - line chart changed to ribbon chart, and created links back to Sensei IQ by clicking various page icons.
Portfolio IQ - Intake:
- #8869 - New pages and visualization modifcations to support viewing Resource Demand bottlenecks and Request Data associated to proposals.
Resource IQ:
- #8891 - Update page name to "Timesheet Overview" and change default filter for "Timesheet Overview" and "Actuals Variance" to filter for past 3 months.
Resource IQ:
- Timesheets #8860 - Fixed issue where sort order was off on the "Actuals Variance" page. Set all timephased visualizations for tiemsheets to show by period start date instead of period name for consistency.
Resource IQ:
- Timesheets #8670 - Fixed issue where if multiple requests for the same resource, same project were submitted on the same day, timesheet data for variance calculations was duplicated.
Resource IQ:
- Timesheets #8405 - Added default page level filter on filters pane for all Timesheet pages (Timesheet Compliance, Non Project Time, Actuals Variance) to show only resources that have "Timesheet Required" set to "Yes".
Resource IQ:
- Timesheets #7762 - Added 'Timesheet Compliance', 'Non Project Time', and 'Actuals Variance' report pages to the Resource IQ report to support timesheet reporting.
Work IQ:
- Fixed a data type issue that was impacting the calculation of "Finish Variance" for Projects.
Resource IQ:
- Fixed a filtering issue where all assignments from synced projects did not appear for resources.
- #5473: Task Sync: PBI Reporting changes: Add task links and icons Includes updates to Work IQ, Project IQ, and Portfolio IQ to support Task Sync, and removes requirement for data connections to external execution tools.
- #5720: "Resource IQ" Insights Power BI Report New Reporting for Resource Information, Requests, Availability and Details. More information can be found directly in the info panes within the report.
- #5647: Update Project IQ to support Project Status Embedding in Teams (Project instead of Project Name)
- #5647: Adjusted borders for visualization sizing on All Projects Page in Project IQ
- #5647: Fix Project Progress Calculation to be whole number based to represent "Complete"